FBI Criminal History Record Procedure
FBI Criminal History Record Procedure (Fingerprint Report)
Act 114 of the Public School Code requires that all school employees obtain an FBI Federal Criminal History Record Report. This applies to all teachers, student teachers, administrators, substitutes, maintenance and custodial staff, food service staff, office employees, coaches and anyone who has direct contact with children. Act 114 of 2006, 24 PS 1-111 as amended (Act 61 of 2008) 1) Go to the following website to register and make an appointment for fingerprinting: https://uenroll.identogo.com Service Codes:
2) Once you have gone to the location to have your fingerprints taken, submit a copy of your receipt with your UEID (registration) number to District Office at Karns City Area School District, 1446 Kittanning Street, Karns City, PA 16041 so the district can access your official report. Here are a few helpful details: