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Erie BVRS Virtual Transition Night Thursday March 30th, 2023

Transition Staffing

Each year, the IEP team, along with any appropriate agencies, will meet to discuss the student's plans following graduation from Karns City High School.  The three main areas of transition (post secondary education or training, employment, and independent living) are discussed.  Information is shared about resources available to assist the student with a smooth transition from high school to adult life.  In addition, when necessary, the school district can assist the student with college registrations, SAT testing registration, financial aid questions, and anything else relevant to the student's special needs.

Student Opportunities

As a school district, we work hard each day to prepare our students to become productive members of society.  In addition to providing instruction in all academic areas, we also make available occasions for each child to explore opportunities for their future.  What will he/she do once they leave Karns City High School?

Each year we try to expand the transition opportunities that we provide for our special needs students.  This year we are inviting your son/daughter to attend a field trip to explore another aspect of life after graduation.  We are planning several field trips for our students in grades 9 through 12.  Your son or daughter will receive an information sheet and a permission slip for the appropriate field trip.  Please take the time to discuss this opportunity with your child and encourage them to attend. Sign and return the attached permission slip to Mr. Frazer by the date marked on the form.  Even if your son or daughter will not be attending the field trip, please sign and return the form in the place marked “will not attend”.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Mark Frazer at (724) 756 – 2030 extension 1333.

First page of the PDF file: TheArcofButlerCounty
First page of the PDF file: PlanningForTheFuture
First page of the PDF file: RehabilitationServicesHandbook
First page of the PDF file: TipsForFamiliesSupportingVirtualFormats