Year End Tax Forms
Employee W-2 documents can be found by logging in to Tyler iVision Finance. Those
employees who receive a W-2, but do not have access will receive W-2s by mail. If you need to request a
copy of a W-2, please contact Evan McGarvey by email at or by phone at
(724) 756-2030 ext. 1014.
As part of the Paperwork Burden Reduction Act, 1095 forms will no longer be mailed to employees. The
District’s insurance administrator, Davevic Benefit Consultants, will still report this information to the
IRS. If you wish to receive a copy of your 1095 report, please contact Evan McGarvey by email at If you have a question regarding your 1095 report, or how to get a copy,
please contact Evan McGarvey at (724) 756-2030 ext. 1014.