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Karns City Area School District

Charlie Brown
Charlie Brown
2024 Prom Court

Welcome to Karns City Area School District


The mission of the Karns City Area School District is to provide a quality education while fostering an environment of inclusivity, compassion, accountability, and mentorship throughout the community. 



The vision is to empower every member of the Karns City Area School District to be a productive and caring citizen who will continually grow intellectually, socially, and emotionally while positively contributing to their community.

variety show

School News

12 days of kindness

Our junior high students participated in the 12 Days of Kindness this month. It was a fun way to reward students for showing kindness toward others.

Each day students had a chance to earn a kindness ticket for helping others, being kind and going above and beyond. A winner was selected each day from the tickets that were turned in. As a reward, the winners got to watch a movie while enjoying a snack and hot chocolate. 

Read More about 12 Days of Kindness

School Calendar